Education Division

Promotion of innovation in application of information communication technology in agriculture and dissemination of knowledge plays a critical role in knowledge-based growth of agriculture. Therefore, it is imperative to update the professional skills of teachers, researchers and extension specialists in the latest knowledge and techniques in the field of their specialization to bring about the desired qualitative improvement and necessary orientation to contemporary problems to make research and education more relevant. The ICAR policy of capacity building stipulates that the training of researchers and teachers of National Agricultural Research and Education System (NARES) shall continue to take cognisance of changes and shall be regularly exposed to innovations in their profession. The basic objective in the competency framework is that professionals of NARES not only have the required competencies for the job but are also able to promote development and delivery of need based research and educational programmes that would enhance the livelihood security and build up an easy, accessible and cost effective knowledge intensive information system. Career progression of scientists/teachers is also linked with periodic exposure to capacity building programmes. The capacity building in deficient areas of contemporary relevance and anticipated future is addressed by ICAR by sponsoring Summer-Winter Schools (SWS) (21 d duration and short courses (10 d duration) and also through its scheme on Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT). The programmes under CAFT have been supporting the faculty and scientists of NARES in the cutting edge areas of agriculture and allied sciences to meet capacity building demands in terms of teaching, research, training and extension. There are 31 such centres established all over the country to build the teaching, research, training and extension competencies of professionals of NARES. During the XI plan period, ICAR sponsored 588 SWS and CAFTs benefitting about 11,000 scientists/ faculty members of NARES.   Back to Home...