Diagnosis of bacterial disease of crops by using high throughput techniques
Dr. Dinesh Singh
Biochemical basis of plant disease resistance
Dr. G.K. Mittal
Nematode problems & their management in protectable cultivation
Dr. R.L. Middha
Nematode complexities in guava
Dr. R.L. Middha
Potato Pathogens Characterization and disease Management
Dr. M S Gurjar
Recent trends and ststus of rapeseed mustard diseases in India
Dr. P.D. Meena
Production of disease free seedlings of vegetable crops under changing climate
Dr. Naresh K. Mehta
Detection and diagnosis of plant disease
Dr. Sudheer Kumar
Emerging diseases of wheat under changing climate scenario
Dr. M.S. Saharan
Disease management in arid zone crops under stress conditions
Dr. S.L. Godara
Stem Gall Disease of Coriander
Dr. Jitendra Singh
Breeding resistance in seed spices under changing climate
Dr. Dhirendra Singh
Genetic improvement of seed spices
Dr. Arvind Verma
Genomics & diagnostics of fungal plant pathogens
Dr. M. S. Gurjar
Role of Information Technology in Agriculture
Dr. S.K. Sharma
Eco-friendly approaches to control bacterial diseases of solanaceous crops under changing climate
Dr. Dinesh Singh
Role of micro-irrigation systems in changing climate
Dr. Raghunath Yadav
Scenario of cotton diseases under changing climate
Dr. S.K. Sain
Management of pesticide residue in agricultural produce in present scenario
Dr. A.R.K. Pathan
Recent advances in Sclerotinia rot management in oilseed Brassicas
Dr. Pankaj Sharma
Plant quarantine and its implementation
Dr. S.C. Dubey
Climate Change and its impact on population dynamics of insect pests
Dr. K.C. Kumawat
Recent advances in Sclerotinia rot management in oilseed Brassica
Dr Pankaj Sharma
Abiotic Stress under changing climatic conditions
Dr. N.K. Gupta
Role of Biotechnology in Plant Disease Management
Dr. M.L. Jakhar
Disorders of vegetables and fruit crops and their management
Dr. O.P. Garwal
Advancement and benefits of drip irrigation technologies in plant protection
Dr. Raghunath Yadav
Harnessing onfarm waste for managing soil borne pathogens in arid regions
Dr. Ritu Mawar
Visit of Bio Control Lab
Dr. Akhter Hussain
IDM in seed spices under climate change scenario
Dr. Y.K. Sharma
Use of livestock production in plant production strategies
Dr. Mahesh Datt
Abiotic stress resistance - Physiological and Biological approaches
Dr. Sunita Gupta
IDM in eco friendly sustainable agriculture
Dr. Mahabeer Singh
Mass Production of Trichoderma
Dr. A.K. Meena
ITKs and their role in disease management
Dr. S. Godika
Recent advances in biopesticides and their role in plant disease management
Dr. Pratibha Sharma
NPV and Bt. - A microbial Pesticides
Dr. R.K. Meena
Present scenario of pests in Rajasthan
Dr. A.S. Baloda
Outbreak of diseases in millets under climate change
Dr. A.C. Mathur
Production of disease free seeds of crops
Dr. S.K. Tak
Mushrooms and their impact on human life
Dr. P.S. Shekhawat
Innovations in plant disease diagnostics
Dr. V.K. Baranwal
Plant disease scenario under changing climate with reference to wheat
Dr. S.C. Bhardwaj
Recent advances in vegetable production under changing climate
Dr. D.K. Yadav
Management of soil born disease of maize under variable climate
Dr. Robin Gogoi
Cumin blight – A major threat under changing climate
Dr. R. K. Bansal
Winter School

Disease Scenario in climate change conditions- Challenges, Experience, Innovation and Future prospects
02 Mar 2022 - 22 Mar 2022


Edited By:
Course Director & Co-coordinator's
Dr. Mahabeer Singh
Dr. Shashi Kant Goyal
Dr R. P. Ghasolia & Dr. Anand Kumar Meena

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