Application of Nano-technology in Feed Industry
Dr. D.Rajendran
Extraction of Prebiotic from Chicory Roots and its Quantification
Dr. A. K. Samanta
Quality Assessment of Feed/Ingredients
Dr. A. Natarajan
Advantages of NABL Accreditation for a testing laboratory
Dr. A. Natarajan
Ration Balancing for Optimizing Milk Production Cost – NIANP Tools
Dr. D. Rajendran
Using QIIME2 for Microbial Diversity Analysis in Livestock Metagenome
Dr. A. P. Kolte
Phytogenic Feed Additives as an Alternative to Antibiotics in Poultry
R. Umaya Suganthi
Production of Low Cost Hydroponic Grain Sprouts and Azolla Cultivation
Dr. K. Giridhar
Macro and Micro mineral analysis in feeds by AAS and ICP-OES
Dr. D. T. Pal
Importance of Minerals in Production and Reproduction in Animals
Dr. D.T. Pal
Estimation of Volatile Fatty Acids using Gas Chromatography (Theory & Practical))
Dr. N. M. Soren
Technological Interventions for Doubling Farm Income: An analysis of Farmer FIRST Approach
Dr. G. Letha Devi
Applications of Metagenomics in Animal Nutrition
Dr. Atul Kolte
Improvement of Productivity of Arid Livestock through Nutritional Interventions
Dr. NV Patil
Nutritional Approaches for Optimizing Reproduction in Farm Animals
Dr. NV Patil
Determination of Rumen Microbial Enzymes: Cellulase and a-Amylase Activities(Theory and Practicals)
Dr. NM Soren
Role of Goat Farming in Achieving the Target of Doubling the Income
Dr. N. Ramachandran
In vitro Evaluation of Feed Digestibility using Radio Frequency based Gas Production System
Dr. N.M. Soren
Meeting Protein Needs Through Poultry
Dr. PS Mahesh
Spectrophotometric Determination of Purine Derivatives for Assessment of Microbial Protein in Ruminants
Dr. N. M. Soren
Influence of Different Wavelengths of Light on Productive Efficiency in Poultry
Dr. I. J. Reddy
Feed Availability and Projections for Sustainable Livestock Productivity under Changing Climatic Scenario
Dr. G. Ravi Kiran
Role of Animal Agriculture in Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals
Dr. A. K. Samanta
Increasing Farmer’s Incomes: The Use of Digital Information and Communication Technology
Dr. Lalith Achoth
Strategic Supplementation of Limiting Nutrients in Dairy Animals for Augmenting the Farmers Income
Dr. M. Chandrasekharaiah
Alternate Feed Resources for Safe Usage in Feeding Practices
Dr. N.K.S. Gowda
Concept of Area Specific Mineral Mixture and its Formulation
Dr. N. K. S. Gowda
Nutrition and Feeding of Backyard Chicken for Economic Benefit
Dr. A. V. Elangovan
Evaluation of Feed Ingredients using NIRS
Dr. S. Anandan
Applications of climate chamber facility and non-invasive techniques for quantifying heat stress response in goats
Dr. V. Sejian
Nutritional Management of Livestock to Cope up with Climate Change
Dr. S. B. N. Rao
Precision Feeding of Poultry for Improving Economic Viability
Dr. A. V. Elangovan
Feed Resource Availability Across Different Agro-climatic Regions
Dr. S. Anandan
Nutritional Management of Livestock during Calamities for increasing the Farmers’ Income
Dr. N. M. Soren
Artificial Insemination in Domestic Birds
Dr. K. V. H. Sastry
Life Cycle Analysis for Assessing GHG Emissions from Indian Dairy Farms
Dr.(Mrs). A. Mech
Climate Change and Multiple Stressors in Livestock: Emerging concepts and Technologies for Sustenance
Dr. V. Sejian
Importance of Balanced Nutrition on Immunity under Climate Change Perspectives
Dr. Bagath M
Nutritional Approaches to Augment Fertility in Field Conditions
Dr. P.S.P. Gupta
Enteric Methane Amelioration using Nutritional Interventions
Dr. P.K. Malik
In vivo Enteric Methane Measurement using SF6 Technique
Dr. P.K. Malik
Importance of Sperm Quality for Improving Fertility of Livestock under Field Conditions
Dr. A. Arangasamy
Bovine Semen Evaluation Tests: Assessment of Sperm Kinematics an Functional Membrane Integrity
Dr. S. Selvaraju
Skin based novel approaches to quantify heat stress response, modeling of GHG in livestock farms and integrated farming in livestock
Dr, V. Sejian
Feeding Management of New-born and Growing Calves
Dr. U. Krishnamoorthy
Feeding Management of Heifers
Dr. U. Krishnamoorthy
Nutritional Interventions during Developmental Stages to Improve Productivity in Chickens
Dr. Gopi M
Rapid Methods of Detection of Aflatoxins in Livestock Feeds
R. Umaya Suganthi
Threshold Target in Dairying to Intercept Doubling of Farmer’s Income
Dr. S. Jash
Strategies to Enhance Farmers Income through Small Ruminant Rearing
Dr. A. Sahoo
Strategies to Enhance Farmers Income through Camel Rearing
Dr. A. Sahoo
Recent Advances in Pig Farming in Relation to Increasing the Farmers Income (Part I)
Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao
Recent Advances in Pig Farming in Relation to Increasing the Farmers Income (Part II)
Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao
Better Practices for Higher Green Fodder Production and Profitability of Livestock
Dr. K. Giridhar
Winter School
Recent advances in Nutritional Technologies for doubling the farmers income under changing climate scenario
22 Feb 2022
14 Mar 2022
Edited By:
Course Director & Co-coordinator's
Dr. M. Chandrasekhariah
Dr. N. M. Soren
CBP Vortal Design & Developed By
Division of Computer Applications
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute,
Library Avenue, Pusa,
New Delhi - 110 012 (INDIA)