Germplasm screening techniques for nematode resistance/tolerance in minor tuber crops including practicals
Dr. H. Kesava Kumar
Hotpots of tuber crops PGR in India and wild crop relatives
Dr. K. Pradheep
IT system for germplasm related studies
Dr. Santhosh Mithra
Status and scope of underutilised tuber crops in Tamil Nadu and its potential for exploitation under changing climatic scenario
Dr. L. Pugalendhi
Neglected and underutilized species: Enhancing climate resilience and nutritional security
Dr.JC Rana
Exploitation of arrow root genotypes in Odisha state of India
Dr. M. Nedunchezhiyan
Genetic improvement of country potato
Dr. Visalakshi Chandra, C
Potential minor tuber crops genetic resources in Coastal Ecosystem of A&N islands and Lakshadweep
Dr. V. Arunachalam
Characterisation of Cucurma angustifolia germplasm and variety development for augmenting area and productivity
Dr. Deo Shankar
Cryo preservation for nuclear genetic diversity conservation
Dr.Vivek Hegde
In vitro propagation and conservation of tropical tuber crops
Dr. Krishna Radhika
Molecular characterization for genetic diversity estimation in tropical tuber crops
Dr. C. Mohan
Arrowroot and Chinese potato germplasm management and utilization
Dr. Asha K. I.
Utilising digital field note book for collection, characterisation and utilisation of plant genetic resources
Dr. Elangovan
Practical on PCR based molecular characterization techniques in minor tuber crops
Dr. K. M. Senthil Kumar
Prospects of utilisation of yam bean germplasm
Dr. Kalidas Pati
Nutritive and bioactive phytochemicals in minor tuber crops
Dr. A.N.Jyothi
Quality planting material production in minor tuber crops
Dr. R. Muthuraj
Seed village for quality planting material production in minor tuber crops- case studies
Dr. D. Jaganathan
Prospects and challenges of mutation breeding in vegetatively propagated crops
Dr. P. Suprasanna
Horticultural diversity, crop improvement and sustainability
Dr. Vikramaditya Pandey
Exploitation and utilization of aroid genetic resources
Dr. A. Asha Devi
Economic importance of starchy Curcumas (Zingiberaceae)
Dr. Dan Mathew
Tuber crops and food security under changing climate
Dr. G. Byju
Germplasm screening techniques for disease resistance in minor tuber crops and practical
Dr. M. L. Jeeva and Dr. S. S. Veena
Seed certification/quality regulations of vegetatively propagated crops of breeder seeds
Mrs. A. Vanathi
Short Course
Exploitation of genetic resources of under utilised tuber crops
02 Feb 2022
11 Feb 2022
Edited By:
Course Director & Co-coordinator's
A.V.V. Koundinya
Vishalakshi Chandra
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